Your reputation is valuable.
Protect it.

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I enjoyed discussing effective crisis management with Christian on the Digital Trust Podcast. As I mentioned during the pod, reputation is a valuable asset and must be protected. Preparation and strategic decision-making are critical aspects of crisis management and reputation protection. 

Below you’ll find our quickstart guide, “10 Things You Can Be Doing Now to Prepare for a Crisis.” In it, you’ll find several actionable, fundamental steps to take to better prepare your company for managing crises effectively and minimizing reputation damage.

One of those 10 things is to ask, “What if … ?” An easy way to do this is simply holding up a newspaper (or your tablet) during a staff meeting and asking, “What would we do if this had happened to us?”

Our Crisis of the Month newsletter cuts out the newspaper (pun INTENDED). Once a month, we’ll send you a situation with some questions that you can ask at your next staff meeting. There. You’ve done a crisis exercise and are stronger for it.  

You can sign up for our Crisis of the Month newsletter below.

10 Things You Can Do Now

Crisis preparation is critical toward saving your hard-earned, valuable reputation. If you don’t know where to start, download this guide to the 10 things you can be doing right now to prepare for a crisis. These first steps will begin building the foundation for crisis preparedness.

Are you ready for a crisis?

Is your organization prepared to respond to a crisis and protect its hard-earned reputation? Take our assessment and find out!

How we help our clients

As an executive, you know that a crisis will happen – it’s a matter of when, not if. The Kith team partners with your executives to guide you through the entire course of a crisis to help you preserve your valuable reputation.


We help organizations diagnose, prepare for crisis and manage risk. We are committed to helping our clients develop best-in-class crisis capability that produces an informed and instinctive response to reputational threats. We do this with the Kith Method.


When you find yourself in the middle of a storm, we will be with you every step of the way. Our elite crisis professionals advise your leadership team on a response and recovery strategy, identifying risks and providing elite counsel to guide you through the fire and back to business.


The recovery strategy starts the minute we get involved because the road back runs right through the crisis. Getting you back to business is the top priority, but every crisis provides lessons to build on.

The Kith Method

Good crisis management comes from a plan. Great crisis management comes from capability – and starts before you even smell smoke.

That’s why we developed the Kith Method. Founded on a tried and true formula – Clarity + Trust = Speed – we can help build and maintain a flexible capability that works for you.

The crucible of a crisis does not develop your skill set. It reveals it.

Your reputation is an investment – time-consuming and costly to build and expensive to repair. Protect it.

Crisis Leadership Blog

Real, actionable insights from elite crisis response and reputation management professionals.