crisis management

Insights into crisis leadership, reputation and readiness

crisis management

Don’t Lie

Don’t Lie

We are all professionals. As professionals there is one cardinal rule of talking to the media (or if you ask my grandma, anyone): never lie. Don’t outright lie. Don’t tell a half truth. Don’t try to be cute. Don’t parse the truth.  Don’t lie.  All that does is make your audience mad and make them...

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Putting a Positive Spin on a Bad Break

Putting a Positive Spin on a Bad Break

It was an SNL skit that wrote itself. Australian breakdancer Raygun was thoroughly lampooned for her amateur performance at the 2024 Summer Games, called a disgrace to her country, and criticized for “making a mockery” of the sport. She went viral in all the ways a person or company doesn’t want...

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Owning a Mistake that’s Not Yours

Owning a Mistake that’s Not Yours

Do you remember Chi-Chi’s? If you do, you are probably wondering what happened to them. If you don’t, then take this as a cautionary tale. Chi-Chi’s was a Mexican casual restaurant chain that was all the rage in the 80s and 90s. With more than 200 locations in five countries as well as a...

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How to Dig Out of a Mess of Your Own Creation

How to Dig Out of a Mess of Your Own Creation

The headlines were unsettling, not shocking at first. But when UnitedHealth, the healthcare behemoth responsible for processing 50 percent of all US patient medical claims annually, revealed it was the victim of a ransomware attack described as “the most serious incident leveled against a US...

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The Three Behaviors that Feed a Crisis: Ostrich Effect

The Three Behaviors that Feed a Crisis: Ostrich Effect

Do you think you know what causes a reputational crisis? At least have a good guess? I’m here to tell you that it’s likely not what you think. It's a lack of preparation.   There is that pithy statement that you see on notepads, signs on desks, and as gifs – lack of preparation on your part does...

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Don’t Stumble over Something behind You

Don’t Stumble over Something behind You

These words are frequently attributed to the Ancient Roman stoic Seneca the Younger. They still ring true 2,000 years later. When it comes to managing a crisis, they are both a warning and a reason for leadership to move forward. Speed is the single most important difference between good and great...

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Then Came the Lawyers …

Then Came the Lawyers …

I still chuckle and roll my eyes when the latest prescription drug ad says, “Don’t take Wonderdrug if you're allergic to it.” Well, duh.  Welcome to the disclaimer pantheon compelling us to write “Caution: Hot” on coffee cups. “Do not attempt” accompanies any example of off-road driving a car is...

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What Makes a Successful Crisis Simulation

What Makes a Successful Crisis Simulation

“Practice makes perfect,” the saying goes. When it comes to crisis management, “practice makes prepared.” Periodic crisis exercises help teams build muscle memory, remember their crisis response plans, and identify gaps in that plan, the skill set, or the people responsible for executing it. Far...

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The Value of Saying I’m Sorry … from a Canadian

The Value of Saying I’m Sorry … from a Canadian

If you’ve spoken to me for more than five minutes, you know I’m Canadian – also American – but I was Canadian first and very proud of it. Every stereotype of Canadians includes that we like to say sorry: to each other, visitors, inanimate objects, and so on. Move away for a while and you’ll...

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‘Crucial Conversations’: Lessons for Crisis Communicators

‘Crucial Conversations’: Lessons for Crisis Communicators

Critical takeaways The book ‘Crucial Conversations’ is a great guide to managing high-stakes conversations but it also provides useful guidance for crises. Many of the same techniques the authors advise for critical conversations can be used by crisis communicators to shape messages - externally...

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Crafting Hard Messaging: How to Communicate Difficult Decisions

Crafting Hard Messaging: How to Communicate Difficult Decisions

As we continue to face the daily uncertainty of how this pandemic will unfold, there is one thing we know for sure. Companies will continue to make extremely difficult decisions in the weeks ahead and will be faced with communicating those tough decisions to those who matter most. This webinar...

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Are you ready for a crisis?

Is your organization prepared to respond to a crisis and protect its hard-earned reputation? Take our quiz and find out!