Kith CEO Bill Coletti joined Michael Smith and Ryan Roghaar from The Eggs Podcast to discuss current crises happening in the United States and how to manage your way through it as a company. He also talks about where to start if you want to change your company's reputation. LISTEN HERE
Insights into crisis leadership, reputation and readinessPodcasts
Walking the Walk: Critical Moments
In this conversation with Jim Bouchard from Walking the Walk Podcast, Kith CEO Bill Coletti discusses how important leadership is during a crisis and how honesty, transparency, and communication are key qualities a leader must possess. LISTEN HERE
Along Those Lines: Co-op Communications in Times of Crisis
Stephen Bell, NRECA’s senior director for media and public relations, and Bill Coletti, CEO of the reputation management firm Kith, talk us through their advice on how to plan for, respond to and recover from events that interrupt our normal course of business. LISTEN HERE
Burden of Command: Bill Coletti
In this episode we have a conversation about leadership and responding to a crisis as well as the impacts it can have on your reputation. LISTEN HERE
Purpose 360: Communications in a Time of Crisis with Kith’s Bill Coletti
Listen for Bill’s insights on: The tenets of successful crisis communications: always be communicating, always be listening, and manage stakeholder expectations. The importance of articulating a company’s core values during challenging times, and demonstrating how those values guide the company in...
Manage to Win: How Businesses and CEOs Should Respond to the COVID-19 Crisis, with Bill Coletti
In this special episode we speak with Bill Coletti about coronavirus, what businesses can and should do to address the crisis, how CEOs and other leaders should react, and what you can do during the following weeks and months to make sure your company is ready to return to normal operations when...
People Processes: Bill Coletti – Kith
On the People Processes Podcast, Rhamy Alejeal interviewed Bill Kith, a crisis management expert and they covered in depth communication strategies to help you navigate the COVID Crises internally. LISTEN HERE
Integrate & Ignite Podcast: Crisis Communications and Reputation Management with Reputation Management
Listen And Learn: Why he recommends a hands-on approach. how successful reputation management hinges on recognizing and responding within those critical moments in time. The importance of involving executive leadership. The difference between reputation management and crisis management/crisis...
Geeks Geezers and Googlization Show: Covid-19: An Opportunity to Make-or-Break Your Reputation
There’s a lot of things your company can’t control and the coronavirus is just one of them. But how you respond should be at the tip of your tongue. According to our guest, crisis communication expert Bill Coletti, “Plan now like your company’s reputation depends on it because it does.” According...
The Other Side of Potential Recording Session: Crisis Communications for Small Businesses
What you will learn in this episode: What steps Bill feels smaller businesses can take to better connect with and communicate with their customers and why communication is key in difficult times How Bill defines a crisis differently from day-to-day challenges all businesses face, and why he...
The Sandro Forte Podcast: Helping people get through the worst season in their life
Bill talks to Sandro about how he uses his experience, calm nature and empathy to help people get through the worst thing that is ever going to happen to them in their career. Truth, integrity and trusting our gut-instinct is at the heart of all that he does, and he explains why he believes this...
Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode: Thought Leader Life 318: Guest Bill Coletti
Learn effective communication strategies so that you can continue to grow your enterprise in the midst of a crisis. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert, Bill Coletti, who is a reputation manager, crisis communications and professional...
Are you ready for a crisis?
Is your organization prepared to respond to a crisis and protect its hard-earned reputation? Take our quiz and find out!