Crisis Leadership

Insights into crisis leadership, reputation and readiness

Crisis Leadership

Be Prepared for What Comes after Election Night

Be Prepared for What Comes after Election Night

It’s almost here. Based on retail stores, you might think “it” is Christmas, but “it” is not. No, “it” is Election Day. Most years, elections just kind of happen. People vote, wait for the results to be announced, celebrate or not, and then go on with their daily lives. This is not one of those...

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It’s a Litigious World after All

It’s a Litigious World after All

Are you signed up for Disney+? Well, according to a now-withdrawn lawsuit defense, if you are a subscriber, you’ve signed away your rights to sue the company for anything regardless of what happened and where.  Does this make you mad? Or think a little differently about Disney? You wouldn’t be...

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Far from a Textbook Year for Higher Ed Leaders

Far from a Textbook Year for Higher Ed Leaders

Thousands of colleges and universities around the nation are back in full swing for a new academic year, my daughter among them (Sko Buffs!). The beginning of a new college semester heralds many things on college campuses. The sight of students burning the midnight oil in the library. The sound of...

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Don’t Lie

Don’t Lie

We are all professionals. As professionals there is one cardinal rule of talking to the media (or if you ask my grandma, anyone): never lie. Don’t outright lie. Don’t tell a half truth. Don’t try to be cute. Don’t parse the truth.  Don’t lie.  All that does is make your audience mad and make them...

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Putting a Positive Spin on a Bad Break

Putting a Positive Spin on a Bad Break

It was an SNL skit that wrote itself. Australian breakdancer Raygun was thoroughly lampooned for her amateur performance at the 2024 Summer Games, called a disgrace to her country, and criticized for “making a mockery” of the sport. She went viral in all the ways a person or company doesn’t want...

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The Perils of a Shallow Apology

The Perils of a Shallow Apology

It can be incredibly difficult as a business to publicly admit that you made a misstep.  Savvy executives and communicators know the importance of making a timely mea culpa statement that demonstrates ownership and empathy, and clearly outlines steps being taken to support impacted consumers and...

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Who Matters the Most in a Crisis?

Who Matters the Most in a Crisis?

Stakeholders has become a term we hear bandied about all of the time. And it's an important one. Whether internal or external, the people who buy from you, work for you, or champion your brand matter. But, it is critical to ask, “ Who matters most to you and your organization?”  When thinking...

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Owning a Mistake that’s Not Yours

Owning a Mistake that’s Not Yours

Do you remember Chi-Chi’s? If you do, you are probably wondering what happened to them. If you don’t, then take this as a cautionary tale. Chi-Chi’s was a Mexican casual restaurant chain that was all the rage in the 80s and 90s. With more than 200 locations in five countries as well as a...

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Scaling Your CEO for Better Crisis Response

Scaling Your CEO for Better Crisis Response

At Kith, we have seen CEOs rise during a crisis and we have seen others stumble. The difference often comes down to what they focus on during the crisis at hand.  As your most senior leader, a CEO can be one of the most important assets your organization can deploy when responding to a crisis....

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Clarity is Critical When Preparing for Social Risks

Clarity is Critical When Preparing for Social Risks

Happy New Year!  2022 is here! By now, the confetti is swept up and champagne glasses cleaned or, if you were like me, your PJs have been put away, and you've awoken from a long winter's nap. Either way, 2021 has been wrung out, and a new year has begun. A fresh start. Except it's still looking a...

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How to Dig Out of a Mess of Your Own Creation

How to Dig Out of a Mess of Your Own Creation

The headlines were unsettling, not shocking at first. But when UnitedHealth, the healthcare behemoth responsible for processing 50 percent of all US patient medical claims annually, revealed it was the victim of a ransomware attack described as “the most serious incident leveled against a US...

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Are you ready for a crisis?

Is your organization prepared to respond to a crisis and protect its hard-earned reputation? Take our quiz and find out!