Crisis Leadership Blog

Insights and perspectives on being the lighthouse during a crisis.
Far from a Textbook Year for Higher Ed Leaders

Far from a Textbook Year for Higher Ed Leaders

Thousands of colleges and universities around the nation are back in full swing for a new academic year, my daughter among them (Sko Buffs!). The beginning of a new college semester heralds many things on college campuses. The sight of students burning the midnight...

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Don’t Lie

Don’t Lie

We are all professionals. As professionals there is one cardinal rule of talking to the media (or if you ask my grandma, anyone): never lie. Don’t outright lie. Don’t tell a half truth. Don’t try to be cute. Don’t parse the truth.  Don’t lie.  All that does is make...

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Putting a Positive Spin on a Bad Break

Putting a Positive Spin on a Bad Break

It was an SNL skit that wrote itself. Australian breakdancer Raygun was thoroughly lampooned for her amateur performance at the 2024 Summer Games, called a disgrace to her country, and criticized for “making a mockery” of the sport. She went viral in all the ways a...

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The Perils of a Shallow Apology

The Perils of a Shallow Apology

It can be incredibly difficult as a business to publicly admit that you made a misstep.  Savvy executives and communicators know the importance of making a timely mea culpa statement that demonstrates ownership and empathy, and clearly outlines steps being taken to...

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Who Matters the Most in a Crisis?

Who Matters the Most in a Crisis?

Stakeholders has become a term we hear bandied about all of the time. And it's an important one. Whether internal or external, the people who buy from you, work for you, or champion your brand matter. But, it is critical to ask, “ Who matters most to you and your...

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By definition, Kith means a cadre of peers who shape opinions and attitudes while instilling sophisticated habits for action. As a way to live this value, we like to share resources that are building blocks to good crisis management and can help you start the path of protecting your reputation.

More Recent Insights
What Makes a Successful Crisis Simulation
What Makes a Successful Crisis Simulation

“Practice makes perfect,” the saying goes. When it comes to crisis management, “practice makes prepared.” Periodic crisis exercises help teams build muscle memory, remember their crisis response plans, and identify gaps in that plan, the skill set, or the people responsible for executing it. Far better to find out there’s a critical flaw in your crisis...

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Litigation Threats Are Invitations for Legal and Comms to Work Together
Litigation Threats Are Invitations for Legal and Comms to Work Together

Few words bring a C-Suite conversation to a screeching halt like, “We need to think about litigation.” Instead of killing the conversation, it should start a conversation … between the legal team and the communications team.  Attorneys’ primary goal is to limit their clients’ exposure to legal liability. Communications teams’ primary goal is to limit...

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The Value of Saying I’m Sorry … from a Canadian
The Value of Saying I’m Sorry … from a Canadian

If you’ve spoken to me for more than five minutes, you know I’m Canadian – also American – but I was Canadian first and very proud of it. Every stereotype of Canadians includes that we like to say sorry: to each other, visitors, inanimate objects, and so on. Move away for a while and you’ll quickly realize that it’s true. Canadians are by and large nice,...

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Winning An Argument with Crazy
Winning An Argument with Crazy

Let’s be clear. You can’t win an argument against Crazy.  Once rightfully relegated to the lunatic fringe, Crazy abounds today – it is everywhere. Crazy is encouraged, fanned, inflamed, and carried to new converts by the magnifying lens that is social media. Sadly, organizations that value their reputation must now pay attention to Crazy, because Crazy can...

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Lessons from Litigators for the Court of Public Opinion
Lessons from Litigators for the Court of Public Opinion

Hall of Fame basketball coach Bobby Knight once said, “The key is not the will to win – everybody has that. It is the will to prepare to win that is important.” Preparation is one of the key differences between people who win consistently and those who win occasionally, accidentally, or not at all. This applies in sports, in business, and in court....

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Daily Harvest Needs To Be a Lesson for All Startups
Daily Harvest Needs To Be a Lesson for All Startups

Have you stuck to your New Year’s resolutions? I didn’t make any this year. Instead, I built a plan that will build on small changes throughout the year. January has been a focus on slowing down. But even with my change of thought, it was pretty hard to ignore the barrage of ads about weight loss, healthy new year, new start etc. One that has caught my eye...

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Kyte Baby: How It Could Have Been Avoided
Kyte Baby: How It Could Have Been Avoided

There have been some really great dissections of the #KyteBaby crisis response. Jeremy Tunis and Eleanor Hawkins to name my favorites. But for all this great analysis, I want to dive a little deeper into how this could have been prevented. I see there are three points: It’s a commonly held analysis that the first statement by the Kyte Baby CEO was tone...

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Kith Launches Litigation Communications Practice
Kith Launches Litigation Communications Practice

KITH LAUNCHES LITIGATION COMMUNICATIONS PRACTICE Crisis Management Advisory Formalizes Legal Conflict Expertise  Austin, TX– Kith, among the fastest-growing crisis management advisory firms in the country, has launched a new legal conflict communications practice to provide strategic reputation counsel to law firms and their clients and support complex or...

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The Cost of Inaction
The Cost of Inaction

I have danced ballet most of my life. It’s the one thing I keep coming back to but I now live somewhere where there are not many options for ballet. Barre is o.k. Pilates is great. I was once kicked out of a yoga class for tapping my fingers. Nothing is ballet. So besides naturally standing in first position, I have slacked off. I haven’t actively been...

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Think Twice, Speak Once
Think Twice, Speak Once

My grandfather built his own house on a farm in Saskatchewan. The house is now 75 years old and is home to a new family.  I am tremendously fortunate to have had him share this skill with me. I built a bookshelf, can hang doors, and build decks. As with most carpenters, the cardinal rule was to measure twice and cut once.   There are a number of recent...

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The Kith Method

Good crisis management comes from a plan. Great crisis management comes from capability – and starts before you even smell smoke. That’s why we developed the Kith Method. We can help build and maintain a flexible capability that works for you.

Your reputation is an investment; time-consuming and costly to build and expensive to repair. Protect it.