Crisis Planning

Insights into crisis leadership, reputation and readiness

Crisis Planning

Lessons from Litigators for the Court of Public Opinion

Lessons from Litigators for the Court of Public Opinion

Hall of Fame basketball coach Bobby Knight once said, “The key is not the will to win – everybody has that. It is the will to prepare to win that is important.” Preparation is one of the key differences between people who win consistently and those who win occasionally, accidentally, or not at...

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Kith Launches Litigation Communications Practice

Kith Launches Litigation Communications Practice

KITH LAUNCHES LITIGATION COMMUNICATIONS PRACTICE Crisis Management Advisory Formalizes Legal Conflict Expertise  Austin, TX– Kith, among the fastest-growing crisis management advisory firms in the country, has launched a new legal conflict communications practice to provide strategic reputation...

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There Is Going To Be Another Bud Light. Are You Next?

There Is Going To Be Another Bud Light. Are You Next?

It’s not often that a brand can anger all sides of the political spectrum and take a financial hit but Bud Light managed to do that last week. And there has been a tremendous amount of analysis of the roots of the controversy as well as the response.  Some have called it a failure of marketing....

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The Cost of Inaction

The Cost of Inaction

I have danced ballet most of my life. It’s the one thing I keep coming back to but I now live somewhere where there are not many options for ballet. Barre is o.k. Pilates is great. I was once kicked out of a yoga class for tapping my fingers. Nothing is ballet. So besides naturally standing in...

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The Cost of Cri$i$

The Cost of Cri$i$

“What does a crisis cost?” I’ve been asked that question a few times. Disappointingly, my answer invariably is, “It depends.” Part of the answer depends on the specific aspects of the crisis and the company going through it, but much more rests on the definition of “cost.” If we’re talking about...

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Don’t Become the Woking Dead

Don’t Become the Woking Dead

Bud Light. Disney. Mars Wrigley. Dilbert. The Super Mario Bros movie. Victoria’s Secret. Utah’s proposed new state flag. BlackRock. The U.S. military. Legos. Jack Daniels. Even Chick-fil-A. Accusations of “wokeness” have been flung far and wide so far in 2023. Is your company next? Are you ready?...

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Three Lessons from FTX’s Collapse for Crisis Leaders

Three Lessons from FTX’s Collapse for Crisis Leaders

The dust from the wreckage of FTX’s collapse doesn’t have time to settle before it’s stirred up again. The latest revelation – that one of the world’s most “admired” cryptocurrency exchanges was comically terrible at both IT security (the “crypto” part) and tracking funds (the “currency” part) –...

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Crisis Efficiency

Crisis Efficiency

Many organizations seek efficiencies during times of economic uncertainty. For many executives, “efficiency” equates to reducing costs. Two of the most tried and true methods of reducing costs are eliminating headcount and cutting back on support services that do not generate revenue. Frequently,...

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Systems Failures May Be Trending in 2023

Systems Failures May Be Trending in 2023

I was recently asked if I had any prediction for the “next thing” in crisis management for 2023. Without hesitation, I replied, “Systems failures.” 2022 ended with two epic system failures, and they threw a bright light on the potentially devastating impacts of scrimping on IT investment or...

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Protecting Your Reputation in Uncertain Times

Protecting Your Reputation in Uncertain Times

This is a confusing economic time. Layoffs are happening but unemployment is at record lows. We are figuring out what the new normal is. It’s a lot to navigate as a business leader, and some everyday concerns are not getting the attention they deserve. Your reputation is likely one of them.  So as...

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Are you ready for a crisis?

Is your organization prepared to respond to a crisis and protect its hard-earned reputation? Take our quiz and find out!