crisis communications

Insights into crisis leadership, reputation and readiness

crisis communications

Don’t Lie

Don’t Lie

We are all professionals. As professionals there is one cardinal rule of talking to the media (or if you ask my grandma, anyone): never lie. Don’t outright lie. Don’t tell a half truth. Don’t try to be cute. Don’t parse the truth.  Don’t lie.  All that does is make your audience mad and make them...

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The Perils of a Shallow Apology

The Perils of a Shallow Apology

It can be incredibly difficult as a business to publicly admit that you made a misstep.  Savvy executives and communicators know the importance of making a timely mea culpa statement that demonstrates ownership and empathy, and clearly outlines steps being taken to support impacted consumers and...

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Are You Warm Blooded or Cold Blooded?

Are You Warm Blooded or Cold Blooded?

At Kith, we often say that a crisis does not develop your leadership skills – it reveals them. It also reveals what type of creature you are: warm blooded or cold blooded.  Now, obviously, humans are warm blooded as a matter of biology, so what we’re really asking you to consider is more about...

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The Value of Saying I’m Sorry … from a Canadian

The Value of Saying I’m Sorry … from a Canadian

If you’ve spoken to me for more than five minutes, you know I’m Canadian – also American – but I was Canadian first and very proud of it. Every stereotype of Canadians includes that we like to say sorry: to each other, visitors, inanimate objects, and so on. Move away for a while and you’ll...

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Winning An Argument with Crazy

Winning An Argument with Crazy

Let’s be clear. You can’t win an argument against Crazy.  Once rightfully relegated to the lunatic fringe, Crazy abounds today – it is everywhere. Crazy is encouraged, fanned, inflamed, and carried to new converts by the magnifying lens that is social media. Sadly, organizations that value their...

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Daily Harvest Needs To Be a Lesson for All Startups

Daily Harvest Needs To Be a Lesson for All Startups

Have you stuck to your New Year’s resolutions? I didn’t make any this year. Instead, I built a plan that will build on small changes throughout the year. January has been a focus on slowing down. But even with my change of thought, it was pretty hard to ignore the barrage of ads about weight loss,...

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Kyte Baby: How It Could Have Been Avoided

Kyte Baby: How It Could Have Been Avoided

There have been some really great dissections of the #KyteBaby crisis response. Jeremy Tunis and Eleanor Hawkins to name my favorites. But for all this great analysis, I want to dive a little deeper into how this could have been prevented. I see there are three points: It’s a commonly held...

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Social Risk Webinar Recap

Social Risk Webinar Recap

The public’s expectations of corporations and brands are higher, and writing a check to a cause or saying “that’s not our lane” won’t cut it anymore. Even a well-crafted statement is not enough. Actions must follow words.

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‘Crucial Conversations’: Lessons for Crisis Communicators

‘Crucial Conversations’: Lessons for Crisis Communicators

Critical takeaways The book ‘Crucial Conversations’ is a great guide to managing high-stakes conversations but it also provides useful guidance for crises. Many of the same techniques the authors advise for critical conversations can be used by crisis communicators to shape messages - externally...

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Crafting Hard Messaging: How to Communicate Difficult Decisions

Crafting Hard Messaging: How to Communicate Difficult Decisions

As we continue to face the daily uncertainty of how this pandemic will unfold, there is one thing we know for sure. Companies will continue to make extremely difficult decisions in the weeks ahead and will be faced with communicating those tough decisions to those who matter most. This webinar...

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What Is & Is Not Working in COVID-19 Communications

What Is & Is Not Working in COVID-19 Communications

We are now entering the third or fourth week of messaging around corporate response - the “mushy middle phase” as we referred to it in our previous webinars. On the third webinar in Kith's COVID-19 Communications Series, Bill Coletti shares observations on how companies are using the A-B-C...

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Are you ready for a crisis?

Is your organization prepared to respond to a crisis and protect its hard-earned reputation? Take our quiz and find out!