
Insights into crisis leadership, reputation and readiness


Time to create good habits

Time to create good habits

I’m on my way back from Austin where I gathered with a group of female founders. We all belong to a group called Fyli (pronounced Fee-Lee). Our purpose is to support female founders as they launch their next big thing.  The idea is that support must be 360 degrees. Need access to an investor?...

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Crisis Plans Can’t Be Time Capsules

Crisis Plans Can’t Be Time Capsules

A friend of mine just returned to his office for the first time in more than two years. It was exactly how he left it – albeit cleaner – when he abruptly left work on a Thursday afternoon in March 2020 to retrieve his sick kid from school. He stayed home with the kiddo Friday. The world shut down...

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Mobilization: How to be fast off the blocks in a crisis

Mobilization: How to be fast off the blocks in a crisis

Mobilization simply means getting the right people in the right place with the right information to allow them to start managing the event taking place.  The term 'mobilization' can sound very operational and, therefore, a little out of place in a communications environment, but that's the point....

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How procedures generate speed

Procedures have a terrible reputation amongst communicators for stifling creativity and limiting the freedom needed to respond to a crisis. We'll often say that we can't plan something as complex and instinctual as a crisis in advance. In many ways, I agree. My dislike of shelves of binders is...

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How procedures generate speed

How procedures generate speed

Procedures have a terrible reputation amongst communicators for stifling creativity and limiting the freedom needed to respond to a crisis. We'll often say that we can't plan something as complex and instinctual as a crisis in advance. In many ways, I agree. My dislike of shelves of binders is...

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How Your Chain of Command Generates Speed

How Your Chain of Command Generates Speed

You've probably seen the Abbott and Costello sketch 'Who's on First?' (and if not, you're missing out) where the team's names - Who is on First base, What is on Second, Why is in the Outfield - make for a lot of confusion and a great skit. But take a moment and think back to the last time you were...

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Trust: The Foundation of Becoming Crisis Confident

Trust: The Foundation of Becoming Crisis Confident

The final component of our speed, clarity, and trust architecture that will transform you into a Crisis Confident organization is trust. The simple quote from Santosh Kalwar, "Trust starts and ends with the truth," helps us think about the truth and the trust that's necessary for superior crisis...

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Clarity: The Foundation of Becoming Crisis Confident

Clarity: The Foundation of Becoming Crisis Confident

Two quotes help me think about the concept of clarity and its importance in crisis response. The first is from Henry Kissinger. "If you don't know where you're going, every road will get you nowhere." And the second one is from the always quotable Yogi Berra. "If you don't know where you're going,...

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Speed: The Foundation of Becoming Crisis Confident

Speed: The Foundation of Becoming Crisis Confident

In my last blog post, I introduced the concept of Crisis Confidence, and that confidence is born out of speed, clarity, and trust. Over the next three weeks, I want to dig in on each of those elements and give them context and specific recommendations on what you can do to improve all three. Being...

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Give comms a seat at the table

Give comms a seat at the table

COVID changed so many of our lives in dramatic and also small ways. For me, one was watching TV. I’ve never been a huge TV person so I’ve been fortunate to have great programs to watch as I focused on sticking close to home. The other night I started to watch a show called Suspicion. It’s...

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Breaking the Crisis Wheel

Breaking the Crisis Wheel

Like my Kith colleagues, I cut my proverbial teeth in politics. Not as a candidate, but as a campaign staffer and, later, a political consultant. Campaigns are great places to train for reputation management and crisis communications because everything is a crisis. The latest mud your opponent...

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Are you ready for a crisis?

Is your organization prepared to respond to a crisis and protect its hard-earned reputation? Take our quiz and find out!