We help you protect your valuable reputation.Not responding wasn’t an option. I don’t know what we would have done if he hadn’t had Kith because there were so many facets to consider. Kith immediately understood the complications. They jumped right in within hours and became an extension of our team.
Kith provides elite crisis response advice when the stakes are highest. We are ready to assist you in defending your reputation on a moment’s notice.
Our team of senior, elite and battle-tested crisis experts works with organizations of all sizes anywhere in the world when a crisis hits.
Speed is the key differentiator between good and great crisis response. But speed without direction can be fatal. So what you need is speed in the right direction.
We are more than just communicators who tell you what to say when the pressure is on. Kith coaches executives to help them lead their teams as they navigate the complex issues and demands of crisis response.
Working with your internal teams and outside experts, Kith with guide your leadership by:
- Developing and executing an effective crisis response strategy
- Coaching communicators to control the story and put out immediate fires
- Busting the fear and shell shock that can lead to paralysis and inaction
- Augmenting the team with specialized communications support
- Flagging risks, seeing around corners & anticipating the unanticipated, and
- Providing objective counsel and assurance.
There is a light at the end of a crisis. We can help you find it. You don’t have to face the crisis alone. We not only want to leave you in a better position than when we arrived but also empower you to face the next crisis confidently.
Once a crisis has ended, it’s time to repair the damage caused to your reputation and build a reservoir of goodwill to insulate your reputation from a future crisis. However, most companies simply move on, returning to their day-to-day activities without a recovery plan.
You have a choice. You can continue to dodge repetitional bullets, gambling on the strength of your response capability as you trudge from one crisis to the next. Or you can build a bulletproof reputation.
No bulletproof reputation was ever built on crisis response alone.
The first few days following a crisis are just as critical as the early moments of the crisis itself. Just as a crisis will not respond to itself, reputation will not recover on its own. You need a plan.
Kith has helped numerous organizations break the cycle of crises and responses by building resilient reputations that give them the benefit of the doubt. Kith’s reputation management consulting program includes:
- Analyzing the team’s crisis response with a focus on identifying any gaps in skills, processes or tactics
- Developing a reputation recovery plan with an emphasis on filling the reservoir of goodwill with the people who matter most to you
- Implementing a Reputation Management Council
- Establishing early warning systems to warn you of potential crises before they happen
- Coaching executives to focus on reputation, and
- Practicing for high-likelihood, high-impact crises to test the team’s capabilities and processes.
Partnering with Kith after a crisis hits empowers your team to proactively strengthen reputation and address potential crises before they develop.
Are you ready for a crisis?
Is your organization prepared to respond to a crisis and protect its hard-earned reputation? Take our quiz and find out!